Choose your plan

"Good Times" Plan

Embark on your business journey with our 'Good Times' Plan. Ideal for those dipping their toes into the market, for just $3,500 per month, you'll reel in around 12 interested replies per month, approximately 37 per quarter - setting your lead generation on a steady rock beat.

Generates 37 interested replies per quarter (about 12 per month)
$3.5k/month or $10,500 per quarter
The 'Good Times' Plan is perfect for those starting out or who prefer a steady pace.
No Setup Fee
Real-Time Analytics
Get Started
"Ramble On" Plan

Turn up the volume on your lead generation with our 'Ramble On' Plan. Priced at $4,900 per month, you'll get approximately 25 interested replies each month, or 75 per quarter - fueling your business growth with a rhythm that hits the right notes.

Generates 75 interested replies per quarter (about 25 per month)
$4.9k/month or $14,970 per quarter
The 'Ramble On' Plan is for businesses ready to up the tempo.
No setup fee
Real-time analytics
Get Started
"Zeppelin" Plan

Unleash the full power of Lead Zeppelin with our 'Zeppelin' Plan. Priced at $7,500 per month, this plan is for those ready to dominate the stage. You'll receive approximately 150 interested replies per quarter, translating to just $150 per lead. With the 'Zeppelin' Plan, you're not just generating leads, you're orchestrating a symphony of sustainable growth and powerful connections. Let the 'Zeppelin' Plan be your stairway to lead generation heaven

Generates 150 interested replies per quarter (about 50 per month)
$7.5k/month or $22,500 per quarter
The 'Zeppelin' Plan is for businesses ready to go into full flight.
No setup fee
Real-time analytics
Get Started
Need a custom plan? Get in touch
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Feature comparison

Rhoncus mauris vel egestas elit maecenas hendrerit amet, ut commodo quam ut viverra ut pellentesque orci arcu viverra massa iaculis risus eu.

Real-time analytics
Analytics by portfolio
Custom reports
Automated reports
User Management
Multiple users
Granular permissions
Reports by account
Performance reporting
Crypto wallets
Chat Integrations
Exchange Integrations
Custom integration
Mattis non faucibus rutrum tincidunt duis odio pulvinar et in non ut.
Get started
Real-time analytics
Analytics by portfolio
Custom reports
User Management
Mattis non faucibus rutrum tincidunt duis odio pulvinar et in non ut.
Get started
Real-time analytics
Analytics by portfolio
Custom reports
Automated reports
User Management
Multiple users
Granular permissions
Reports by account
Performance reporting
Crypto wallets
Chat Integrations
Exchange Integrations
Custom integration