June 23, 2023

The Innovation Investors: Leveraging Patent Data to Identify New VC Fund LPs

How to start saving money

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  3. Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar
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Why it is important to start saving

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How much money should I save?

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  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti
  • Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar
  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti
What percentege of my income should go to savings?

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The Innovation Investors: Leveraging Patent Data to Identify New VC Fund LPs


Finding the right Limited Partners (LPs) for your venture capital fund is like searching for Wi-Fi in a dead zone. The usual suspects—networking events, LinkedIn stalking, and cold emails—are about as effective as a screen door on a submarine. 

But what if I told you there's a way to find LPs who are really into innovation? Yeah, you heard that right. I'm talking about patent data. Those legal documents you thought were only good for courtroom dramas can actually be your secret weapon.

Why Patent Data?

Imagine this: You come across a patent for a groundbreaking AI algorithm, and it's filed by Jane Doe, the CTO of a tech giant. Now, Jane isn't just any CTO; she's been at the forefront of AI innovation for years. If she's investing her time and resources into patents, you can bet she's committed to innovation. And who better to have as an LP in your VC fund focused on cutting-edge tech?

Or picture this: You find a patent for a new renewable energy solution, and it's filed by GreenTech Innovations, a small but ambitious startup. If a young company is already diving into patents, they're not just playing; they're playing to win. These are the kinds of players you want on your team.

The Real Deal:

So, here's the plan. I'm going to guide you through the maze of patent data to help you find LPs who are as jazzed about innovation as you are. By the end of this, you'll have a new playbook for finding investors who are genuinely committed to pushing boundaries.

The Importance of the Right LPs

Look, I get it. Money is money, and when you're running a VC fund, it's tempting to take capital from anyone willing to write a check. But let's not kid ourselves; not all LPs are created equal. Think of LPs as your band members. You wouldn't want someone who's into country when you're trying to start a punk rock band, right? 

LPs are far more than just ATMs; they're your strategic partners. They can open doors, provide valuable insights, and even help you spot the next unicorn before it's on everyone else's radar. But here's the kicker: you need LPs who are as committed to innovation as you are. Why? Because innovation isn't just a buzzword; it's the lifeblood of any forward-thinking VC fund. You want LPs who get that, who live and breathe it.

Traditional Methods of Identifying LPs

Now, how do most folks find these elusive LPs? Networking events, LinkedIn, maybe even a shoutout on Twitter. It's the same old song and dance, and let's be honest, it's about as effective as a "Do Not Disturb" sign on a kid's treehouse. 

These methods have their merits, but they're not foolproof. You might find LPs, sure, but will they be the right fit? Will they share your vision for innovation, or will they just be looking for quick, safe returns? It's like fishing with a wide net; you'll catch something, but it might not be what you're looking for.

Why Patent Data?

So, what's the alternative? Drumroll, please... Patent data. Yeah, those dense, legalese-filled documents are actually a goldmine of information. If someone's filing patents, especially in high-growth sectors like AI, biotech, or clean energy, they're not just dabbling in innovation; they're committed. 

Imagine finding a patent on a revolutionary blockchain technology filed by a mid-level exec at a financial firm. That's not just a patent; that's a neon sign saying, “I'm interested in disruptive technologies." And if they're interested in innovation, there's a good chance they'll be interested in your VC fund that's all about backing the disruptors.

How to Leverage Patent Data

1. Data Sources

First things first, where do you find this treasure trove of patent data? Websites like Google Patents, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), or even specialized databases like PatBase are your go-to spots. It's like panning for gold; you've got to know where to look.

2. Key Metrics

Alright, you've got the data. Now what? You're not just counting patents like they're Pokémon cards. Look for metrics like the (1) number of patents held, (2) the sectors they're in, (3) and how recent they are. Are they focused on AI, renewable energy, or maybe blockchain? That's your clue to their interests and, potentially, their investment strategy.

3. Analysis

Time to put on your Sherlock Holmes hat. Analyze the data to identify potential LPs who align with your fund's focus. Are they consistently patenting in high-growth sectors? Do they collaborate with other innovators? These are the folks you want to zero in on.

4. Initial Outreach

You've got your shortlist. Now, how do you make the first move? My advice: be direct but tailored in your approach. Use the insights you've gained from the patent data to speak their language. Show them you've done your homework and explain why your fund aligns with their innovation goals.

Research Supporting This Use Case

There’s been a number of studies in recent years on how valuable this data is - take a look 

1. Value Relevance of Nonfinancial Information: The Case of Patent Data

    - This study delves into the financial implications of patent data, suggesting that such nonfinancial information can be crucial in market valuation and financial reporting. While it doesn't directly focus on identifying LPs, it highlights the value of patent data in assessing a company's innovation capabilities, which could be a key factor for investors.

2. Examples of SAR-Centric Patent Mining Using Open Resources

    - This article discusses the wealth of Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) data found in patents, often appearing years before similar data is published in academic journals. It argues that this patent data can be a goldmine for data mining and could be leveraged to identify investment opportunities, thereby serving as a potential resource for VC firms looking for innovative LPs. 


So, what's the takeaway here? Finding the right LPs for your VC fund isn't just about who you know; it's about how you look for them. Traditional methods have their place, but if you're aiming for the stars, you've got to be willing to build a rocket, not just a ladder. Patent data offers a unique lens through which to identify potential LPs who are as committed to innovation as you are. And hey, don't just take my word for it; the research backs it up.

Call to Action

Ready to take your LP search to the next level? I'd love to hear from you. Whether you've got questions, want more info, or have your own success stories with leveraging patent data, hit me up. Let's push the boundaries of what's possible in venture capital together.

Adam Metz
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